It was a weekend full of "asshole travelers"..
I and my friends were going to a friend's wedding party in Saturday..
It was I, Inung, Nadia and Dyan..
The plan was we take a train which goes from Surabaya, East Java to Pasarsenen, Jakarta.. We take the economy class-train..
I and Dyan, who live in Solo, would go in and depart from Solojebres Station, and Inung and Nadia, who had something to do in the campus before departing, would depart from Lempuyangan Station, Jogjakarta.
Oh, we're attending Andini, our friend's wedding party, btw..
Due to an interview for a job, Dyan had to leave a day earlier than us, and due to change of paper-guiding's schedule, Nadia would depart from Purwokerto Station..
Then, in the D-day I was waiting for the train alone in Solojebres.. It's written in the ticket that the train would leave at 16.12.. But the train came about 30 minutes late!!
I reserved 4 seats, 17E for me, 18E for Inung, 18D for Nadia, and 17D for Dyan (which was cancelled because she left to Jakarta earlier than us).
17E is next to 17D, and facing 18E which is next to 18D..
But, what shocked me was that when I got in the train, there were peoples sitting in the seats..
A man in 17D, two women in their 40s in 17E and 18D, and an about-25-years-old woman in 18E..
I approached a man sitting in 17D and said, "excuse me, but I believe that my seat's 17E.." (I was thinking that he and woman next to him are spouse)
He then pointed to that woman sitting next to her, and that woman stood up, and changed seat to 18D, while the woman in 18D went somewhere.. (I didn't really paid attention to her)
So, I was sitting in 17E, face-to-face to the about-25-years-old woman..
She poked my knee, to take my attention, and asked where I would go.. I said while smiling, "Jakarta, and you?". She replied, "Jogja, Lempuyangan". Oh, Inung would be sit in her seat after she got off the train.. And I was certain that the seat next to Inung's is Nadia's, so that lady (who was sitting in my seat) wasn't sitting in the seat's pointed in her ticket. (But, I heard that she was heading to Bekasi, one station before Jakarta. WTF?)
And then we arrived in Lempuyangan.. The about-25-years-old woman got off, and that lady changed her seat to 18E.. And I was like "What?!".
Inung came in and sit in 18D. I wanted to tell her, that her seat is 18E, which was sit by that irritating lady. Yes, she was irritating me, because she sit as she pleased and Inung only got half of her seat! Can you believe that?!
We had to wait until we arrived at Purwokerto, where Nadia came and ask that lady to leave because her seat was taken by Inung whose seat was taken by that lady..
"Just go and sit in your seat, please!"
That I wanted to say it right into her face!
And then, we arrived in Jakarta, went to a friend, Lastri's place to take a rest and get ready to the party, went to the party, back to Lastri's, and went to Pasarsenen Station to go home, by another economy-class train..
And the problem this time, are a family who brought too much baggage, so they monopoly a lot of cabin's space..
There was another family, who came later, that was confused because there was no space left to put their baggage..
The other problem is, a woman who let her child had three people's space to sleep while she was sleeping in the corridor..
I mean, it's harder to people who wanted to go through the corridor!
And, someone who kept coughing all night..
I'm so tired.. If you wanna get a better facility, you should better yourself to fit that facility!
Ah. these are to much for me!
I wanna go back to Japan!